View Calendar
11/15/2022 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Longleaf Pine Presentation 


Join us Tuesday evening, November 15, 7:00 - 8:30, at the Bluffs clubhouse for a special presentation by Tom Woods, Brunswick County Extension Agriculture/Horticulture agent on our lovely and important native Longleaf Pine. Tom will be sharing his extensive knowledge of our native tree and will show us how we can participate in helping the North Carolina Longleaf Pine reforestation initiative. Part of Tom’s talk will be about choosing these locations and proper planting techniques for these magnificent and important trees, and in December, Bluffs community members will have an opportunity to very inexpensively purchase and plant Longleaf Pines in appropriate locations on our own properties.


We have several beautiful old growth Longleaf Pine stands right here in Brunswick County. Nearby Green Swamp Preserve has trails that wind through Longleafs with rare orchids and carnivorous plants, including the endangered Venus fly trap and several varieties of pitcher plants, growing beneath. And even though most were eventually logged and replaced with our current Loblolly and Slash Pines, we even have a few Longleaf Pines still growing right here in The Bluffs.


Please RSVP to Cynthia Sosnowski so we know how many goodies, and chairs, to have ready. Hope to see you there!