October is the time-honored month for harvesting. Cooler mornings bring much needed relief from the intense summer heat, and the scents of pumpkin spice and apple cider helps us transition into the new season. For many gardeners, October might be the final vegetable collection of the year. For those who planted a fall and winter garden, this month marks the end of the summer vegetable garden. Not sure what you should be doing in the garden this month? Keep reading for tips on keeping your garden in great shape.
Planning. Prepare for your abundance of produce with canning supplies to preserve your harvest, recipes or sharing with friends and neighbors. Make a note of any productive or unsatisfactory varieties of vegetables that you planted and will be something to not for next year.
If you harvested seeds, make sure they are dried out by laying on newspaper and turning them often. Store dried seeds in glass jar or envelopes and store in a cool, dry, dark place.
Planting. Now is the time to plant garlic, shallots, and perennial onions. Also, plant spring flowering bulbs like tulips, daffodil, hyacinth, and crocus.
Note: Place chicken wire on the ground over the newly planted bulbs to deter animals from digging them up.
Pruning and Cleanup. Divide and relocate perennial plants that have outgrown their space to a new location before a hard freeze sets in. Add grass clippings and fallen leaves to your compost pile. Clean the lawn of any branches or sticks that make great kindling for evening fires.
Water. Water any recently planted perennials deeply. Be sure to water your fall container flowers and plants.
Pick Your Perfect Backyard. We look forward to your visit to our unique riverside community, where you can purchase your dream home and plan your perfect garden. Learn how you can be a part of this growing community, and stay up-to-date on the latest happenings in The Bluffs by tuning into our Facebook page!